Availability list

Weston D Lyn J Danimal Mike M Patrick K Greg W Aimee
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Ali C Amy U Andy E Andy M Ann Ann S Ann W Annette E Anthony E Bill H Bob R Bob S Bobbi H Bobbie S Bonnie M Brad G Brian B Brian F Brian H Bruce P Bryan Z Caleb K Carlos G Cary S Chance S Charmaign C Cheryl J Christy B Cindy E [2] Clark B Daniel D Daniel H Danny D Danny D [2] Dave W David M Davit S Deb E Denny M Doc M Doc Marion Donna M Dottie T Doug H Doug V Duane G Dustin D Ellen E Emma J Florida Bob Forrest K Frank P Gary B Gary L Genevieve E George T Greg T Jane H Janet B Janet P Janice 2 Jay Z JD C Jeanne D Jeff Jill R Jill W John P John R Josh R [2] Josine H Judy S Karen H [2] Kathy T Kathy W Kathy W [2] Katie M Kavita G Kay B Ken and Cathy Ken G Kevin F Larry H Larry T Laura P Laura P [2] Lee S [2] Lee S [3] Lewis C Libby G Linda A Linda Z Lisa S Lisa S [2] Logan F Lolly Lori K Lynn S M K Maria D Martha D Melanie K Mickey M Mike H Myeesha H Nina M Pai S [2] Pam S Pat R Pattie W Paul B Paul L Paula S Penny K Phil B Phil T Randa Randall C Randy B Rhonda G Rick W Robert T Robin F Rosa L Ross B Sajid S Sandy L [2] Scott R Stephanie W Susan B Susan S Ted J Terri Tim B Tom H Tricia B Virginia Wes O Whitney B Willi K

Comment ...


Hey Heller Crew!!! It's Monday and Tuesday at 9am Diadem (Formerly Topseed). I'll be there at 8am. Anyone who wants to come early we can drill a little or just start playing if there are enough.

I can also get you guys signed up for a free membership for the rest of the month. It's a cancel or be billed $100 on February 1st. So free open play for the rest of the month, and then starting February 1st you could still do the 7am-10am open play anytime for $5.

Mike changed the practice cards to reflect this for Monday and Tuesday so please signup if you can make it either or both days so I can get us in the system for open play.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you guys since I was out of town and then winter finally hit.


Visiting players can sign up using a link


Player 6 0
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 1
Total In 7 Out 0
Previous / Next In Out
Practice Thu, Jan 9 at 01:00 PM 0 0
Practice Fri, Jan 10 at 01:00 PM 0 0
Practice Mon, Jan 13 at 09:00 AM 7 0
Practice Tue, Jan 14 at 09:00 AM 7 0
Practice Wed, Jan 15 at 11:00 AM 0 1

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