Some of us are starting at 7:00.
67°, wind 2 mph
It has been suggested that we start stacking paddles to ensure a fair player rotation. Please voice your opinion on this. Thanks!
While I have not played much lately, I agree that stacking paddles is the only fair thing to do for a fair player rotation especially with the different skill levels of players we have. It isn't always practical to wait for a foursome to finish to mix up the players. Playing for an hour with someone with a much lower skill level or with a much higher skill level isn't fun for anyone.
I think we do a good job of mixing it up now without stacking paddles.
Let's start at 8!
Let's start at 8! Courts are wet. Barely raining now.
Hi Mike. Can you email me at pkingsley(miuku)kingsleyins(piste)com? Not sure how to use this forum.
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