The group is split 50/50 on the paddle stacking question, so we’ll continue as we have been. I ask, though, that the same foursome not play back-to-back games. That allows us to mix things up so that everyone gets to play with each other. Thanks for your input.
I would like it to remain like it is!!
I have to leave at 8! Can anyone start at 7 on Friday?
Some of us are starting at 7:00.
67°, wind 2 mph
It has been suggested that we start stacking paddles to ensure a fair player rotation. Please voice your opinion on this. Thanks!
While I have not played much lately, I agree that stacking paddles is the only fair thing to do for a fair player rotation especially with the different skill levels of players we have. It isn't always practical to wait for a foursome to finish to mix up the players. Playing for an hour with someone with a much lower skill level or with a much higher skill level isn't fun for anyone.
I think we do a good job of mixing it up now without stacking paddles.
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